Revenue Comparison

BTC BTC* + Jax.Network**
Gtd. Extra Profit
Block Rewards $184,088 $184,151 (+$63)
Daily Rewards $26,508,600 $26,517,728 (+$9,128)
Monthly Rewards $795,258,000 $795,531,835 (+$273,835)
Yearly Rewards $9,675,639,000 $9,678,970,663 (+$3,331,663)
Business Stability
Liquidity Mining

* It's also possible to merge-mine other SHA256 coins like BCH, BSV along with Jax.Network

** In Jax.Network: JAX rewards are released instantly while JXN block rewards are released in two parts:
1) 20 coins in 100 blocks.
2) the remaining in 36,000 blocks.